Hardwox-oil finish has a delicate glittering and preserves the skinfeel characteristics of natural wood. The finish deeply treats the flooring, can be easily renovated and repaired during its lifetime.
- Freely absorbs and emits the moisture keeping the moderate climate within the room.
- Accentuates the fabric and natural beauty of the oak. Pores look open emphasizing the deep texture of the surface.
- Surface keeps the warm and cozy feeling when touching.
- Thanks to the surface film, the hardwax-oil finish has the improved durability, which is significantly better than this of oiled hardwood flooring.
- Hardwax-oil finish can be easily repaired. The repair does not require the disassembly of damaged boards or reground of the flooring.
- High elasticity and improved durability against the moisture ingress and temperature alterations.
Eco-safe finish with addition of natural oils and natural-drying wax. Hardwax-oiled hardwood flooring absorbs and emits the moisture keeping the moderate climate within the room.
- AT REGULAR INTERVALS: Clean the dust and dirt from all rugs and other places where it can be collected. Clean the floors using Coswick Cleaner or similar hardwood flooring care products. The usage of ad-hoc cleaners facilitates the cleaning and protects the hardwood flooring oil finish.
- 4-6 TIMES PER YEAR: It is recommended to clean the hardwood flooring with the ad-hoc Bonnard renovation product in places where the flooring is under the heaviest exploitation (entrance, corridors, kitchen, etc.).
- ONCE IN 2-3 YEARS: or when spotting “runners” that appear in places where the finish is wear. To renovate the finish, use the colorless Coswick hardwax. It can be used in certain places where the flooring is under the heaviest exploitation.
Hardwax oil finish along with brushing accentuates the texture and the inner beauty of oak wood. Oak pores seem open emphasizing the deep texture of the wood. Hardwax oil has a dim glow, and the finished surface looks similar to the natural one. Due to the surface film, the finish reliability is much higher comparing to the oiled flooring.