Modern design and style. Multifarious range of decorations.
Our design, carefully developed by the team of dedicated and internationally-recognized designers, determines to a large extent the trend in hardwood flooring industry.
Fine selection of design solutions for any room.
Bonnard hardwood flooring is manufactured as solid and 2-layer engineered flooring.
Rock-solid engineered flooring. Life-time warranty.
Modern technologies based on heavy-duty water-resistant elastic hot-melt adhesives ensure the highest reliability.
Wide range of accompanying products.
Mouldings, adhesives, lacquers, hardwood flooring care and repair products.
Convenient and flexible delivery system due to a stocking schedule.
Manufacturer supports Bonnard stocking schedule for the whole range of hardwood flooring.
Strong reputation is the high quality warranty.
All Bonnard products are manufactured by Coswick hardwood flooring company, Belarus.